How To Enter

To enter as an individual, tandem or relay team captain, first create an Event Plus profile for yourself (or login if you have one already). This can be done ahead of entry release by clicking on the button below. When entries open at 7am on Friday 20th September 2024, again click on the button below, log into your EventPlus profile and register for the chosen event category & division. Then complete the remainder of personal questions and pay for the complete entry fee by credit card to confirm your individual, tandem or team registration. A team code will be sent to all listed tandem and relay teammates email addresses, so these teammates can each create profiles (or login if they have one already) and add themselves to your tandem or relay team before online entries close.

You can also add yourself to an already existing team (with a team code), update your team information (including edits and deleting team members), make an event charity donation, and purchase some cool event merchandise on the online shop, by clicking on the button below.

PLEASE NOTE: at this point, the Individual, Tandem or Relay Team Captain signs a waiver to say that the they agree to the terms and conditions of the event and understands that it is your responsibility here to take out refund protection (insurance) to safeguard your Individual, Tandem or Relay Team entry fee should something prevent the you or the team participating in the event. For further details, see the Booking Protection and Refund Policy section on this page.

Any Individual, Tandem or Relay Team Captain opting to not take out the refund protection (insurance) must accept there will be zero refund offered for the event after the initial 48hrs of entering.