Event Rules

  • Competitor event rules

    • It is forbidden for entrants to access any pieces of private property the event course travels over, anytime other than during the race.

    • It is mandatory entrants (individuals or minimum one team member) attend the race briefing held under the start gantry at the start of each race day.

    • Entrants must wear their allocated timing transponder throughout the race. This must be securely fitted around the ankle and transferred from one relay team member to another in the transition areas. The transponder is the property of our timing provider and must be returned at the finish line. Any teams losing their timing transponder will incur a $100 NZD replacement fee.

    • Entrants must wear their allocated race bib vests throughout the race. This must be worn over the outer garment or piece of equipment (including jacket, pack or life vest) and transferred from one relay team member to another in the transition areas. Race bib vests are the property of Dare 2 Sweat Events, and must not be cut or modified in any way. Race bib vests must be returned at the finish line. Any damage or loss of a race bib vest will incur a $50 NZD repair or full replacement fee.

    • Entrants (individual & teams) must start in the start wave assigned to them based on the event category they are entered.

    • Tandem team members must stay together and in sight of one another (with no more than 40m separating the leading member and trailing team member) at all times.

    • Stage compulsory equipment must be used by every entrant (individual and team member) on the respective stage. The only exception is on the first run from the start to the kayak on day 1 and final run from the kayak to the finish on Day 2, whereby backpacks, as well as floatation and propelling equipment is not required.

    • Compulsory gear must be carried by every entrant (individual and team member) throughout the whole race, on foot and mountain bike. The only exception is on the first run from the start to the kayak on day 1 and final run from the kayak to the finish on Day 2, whereby compulsory gear can be stowed in a dry bag in the craft paddled.

    • Entrants cannot receive assistance from any supporters other than within the defined transition areas.

    • Entrants and supporters must respect the rights of private landowners, local residents, business owners and the general public at all times.

    • Supporters are not permitted to access or venture onto any private property (regardless of whether it is used for the race).

    • Entrants (individuals and all team members) must follow instructions detailed in their race notes and discussed at the start of day briefings – especially where road and water safety is a concern.

    • Entrants and supporters must also follow all event signs and the instructions from event staff/marshals encountered throughout the event.

    • Parts of the event course may be on or cross open public roads. NO roads are closed for this event and standard road rules apply at all times. Please obey all signage and any marshals in place. You are responsible for your own safety.

    • On the water, life vests must be worn correctly by every paddler, and spray-decks must be fitted to all kayaks used. Kayak’s must have a minimum of two air bags in the rear of the craft or an airtight compartment (such as in sea kayaks and surf ski’s). Tandem teams must paddle a double craft. All paddlers must wear a helmet (kayak or cycling helmet) on the Day 1 down-river kayak stage.

    • Transitions must be entered at the entry sign only and exited at the exit sign only.

    • Toilets will be available at the start/finish, and all transition areas. Toilets amenities must be used wherever possible.

    • Electric or pedal assist mountain bikes are prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from event management. This may only be given to one member of a tandem team based on a justifiable medical reason; however, no towing of their teammate will be permitted.

    • Any form of floatation and/or non-motorized piece of propelling assistance equipment may be used on the swim sections of the off-road runs, provided they are carried from the start to the finish of the entire offroad run stage.

    • Any runner opting not to swim the river on the off-road run stage on Day 1 and Day 2 may opt to be ferried across the river by boat. Their bib number will be recorded and a 10-minute adjustment will be added to their stage time for each crossing where assistance is provided.

    • Please either open and close the gates on course or climb it at the hinge end only.

    • All gates must be closed (unless they have been tied back to the fence by the farmer). If in doubt – close it.

    • Littering is prohibited. If you do see litter, be a superstar and stop to pick it up. If you see someone purposely or knowingly having littered, please report the incident to event officials. We are the guardians and caretakers of this wonderful land for our offspring and future generations.

    • Any complaints with respect to breaches in the race rules must be reported in writing to the Race Director within one hour of an entrant finishing. The Race Director and race management (possibly with witnessing event staff/marshal/entrant and supporter consultation) will undertake private consideration with the appropriate action and/or penalty decided upon based on the nature and severity of the offence. Their decision will be final.

    • Should any entrant (individual or team member) witness an accident on course or be the first at the scene of an injured entrant in need of help, the entrant must stop and render assistance. The second on the scene must also stop and get details of the accident and injured entrant to then relay onto the next event official on course or at a transition with a radio who will be able to communicate with the Event Operations Centre (EOC) and co-ordinate the necessary response.

    • Any entrant (individual or team) withdrawing from the event must notify the nearest event transition event staff immediately. The withdrawing entrant (individual or team) then must also visit the race finish line to return their team’s timing transponder and race bib vest.

    • All entrants (individuals or team members) must reach the finish before 8pm on each race day. Any still entrant yet to have finished by 8pm on each race day will be pulled from the course and escorted to the next transition or the finish-line.